You may have known a handful of ladies and gentlemen who become very successful in life.
You probably have met just as many others given almost the opportunity with even better set of talents who could never do the same or go as far in their career. What was the last time you met a boss who looks like a handicap to his workers’ talent, and still be a boss?…why ? Life isn’t fair that’s why. I’m kidding.
First, let’s play a popular game people always do before sleep.
What would you do if you suddenly win tonight jackpot ?
You know, like that guy who found over $350 millions (taxed) from the Powerball couple years ago. Would you call your significant other, tell your family the news and wait for a check of $350,000,000 deposited to your bank account or keep it quiet until one day just show up on their driveway with a brand new Lamborghini?
Now you ask someone this very question, it’s almost guaranteed the first response could be very close to charity, donation and whatnot.
Yeah right.
But truth is many will actually do what they promised; for the sake that they don’t have to feel guilty spending the rest of the fortune on something else ridiculously stupid. Look:
- How One Lottery Winner Blew Through $10 Million in Less Than 10 Years
- 8 lottery winners who lost their millions
- 7 lotto winners who lost it all
- How the Lives of 10 Lottery Millionaires went Disastrously Wrong
- Powerball winner dies alone and penniless in hospice at 58, 12 years after he scooped – and blew – $27MILLION jackpot
You know, even if you can give the Poor infinite amount of money they will go out of their way to find reasons to burn them all. It’s not all their fault though, because the majority of the people in our society have taught them so. Here are 17 most important characteristics of many successful entrepreneurs have, and how they have always been on top of their game. This is how the invisible scripts always pull the legs of the Poor.
1. Don’t Wait for a Miracle.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
2. Take Action for Your Dream
Don’t be that ordinary guy who has really extraordinary ideas or swims across rare opportunity all over the years, but he always waits and waits and WAITs. For what ? Then suddenly someone comes up with the same idea and nails it. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but execution is what makes you different from the rest. Don’t be the rest.
3. Commit to your Goal
4. Might as well dream BIG
If your dream does not scare you, it isn’t big enough.
5.Don’t Find Excuses !
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it,
but it is when our aim is too low and we reach it.
6. Be Modest
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
7. Networking
We find friends who are willing to help, to mentor and see us grow (isn’t that what we are here for ?). Avoid the bucket of crabs story. Avoid that negative guy.
Avoid people who think you can never do it, because they couldn’t themselves.
If you are in a room where you really believe you are the smartest person; you are in the wrong room.
8. Be Confident
Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right
9. Don’t Quit
You must not ever give up. Sometimes success is just only a mere couple steps away, you should never let the shadow of any problem scares you away. Are you taller or smaller than your problem ?
10. Take Risks
Opportunity usually goes around wearing overalls and looking like hard work.
11. Believe in Your Dream
If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs
12. Be Ambitious
For any desire to success, you want “both” for everything; let others only choose “either/or“.
But why we have to make everything more difficult? Well, there is nothing easy on this road you have taken anyway; might as well set the bar higher. That also means you have to give it all your time, effort and dedication towards your goal. Afraid ? But you don’t have to look back twenty years from this day just to see regrets and live with those could’ve/should’ve ? .. it’s worth it.
Live a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t
13. Don’t Settle for Less
Look at your paycheck this Friday and ask yourself this question “Is this how much my skills worth ?”. If you are upset, you know your talents deserve much more.
Most entrepreneurs have a foundation of different knowledge such as in how their business works, how the financial world runs, how to organize works effectively, how to write, how to speak, how to present, how to be efficient with minimum risks,… yet it all started with a single step. Steve Job learned calligraphy just because he loved it, and what happens ? Don’t settle for less.
14. Learn to Manage Money
Learn to how to tame your finance beast. It’s a skill and skill like this, isn’t taught in public school system. That rat race happens when you are taught to be good employee and you are always hungry for more money, so you work really hard to spend more. It does not get you anywhere.
15. Learn to Make Money Works
16. Expect Problems Everywhere
There is really no such thing as smooth sail on this road to success…
If one day trouble make you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
17. Stay hungry, Stay foolish
-Steve J.
…and never stop teaching yourself something new everyday.
Whether your goal is to earning more money this year than the last, or make your family and yourself proud — I hope you want it so badly that you can get back on your feet no matter what. The rewards is not for the one who never fell, but it’s for the one who will fall and know they will certainly get up.
Also remember, true entrepreneur never sets out to earn a ton of money in the first place. They have an idea and they know that idea could bring great benefits to life. They feel obligated to make it come true despite how difficult it will be. That perhaps, is the 18th characteristic of an entrepreneur.
A great kudos to the editors at vnexpress and our sister site at Custom PC Guide who have given us permission to make use of these very excellent illustrators.